Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Why I Watch...

Ok so I haven't blogged in awhile.  A long while.  The garden is wrapping up (although I need to pick okra and peppers sometime this morning.)  I've been cooking away as usual but nothing super blogworthy...so I'd like to take a few moments to discuss something near and dear to my heart right now. 

Here Comes Honey Boo Boo

Ok I know...many of you will be quick to dismiss my posting and throw me under the bus but I'd like to make a couple comments about the increasingly popular show.

First of all, don't knock it til you've seen it-at least three times.  I'll admit, the first episode I watched I was a bit puzzled/not that impressed.  A certain person who will remain nameless (but lives with me) watched it once and said he was never watching it again, the second time he was skeptical but he was hooked by the third show.

Why I Watch-

#1.  They are just so real.  I mean you really can't make that stuff up.  Between the walls of the dining room lined with rolls of toilet paper gotten for free with coupons to the processing deer meat from local roadkill-you wouldn't believe this stuff if someone told you about it but it happens.  People go to the VFW to play Bingo, well they do around here.  

#2.  They have a good time together.  From the above ground Wal-Mart pool that Sugar Bear (the Dad) spent a couple days assembling so they could swim to the "guess who's breath this is" game.  Everything they do is met with laughter and goodheartedness.  (Is that a word?)  They have fun as a family.  They seem to spend lots of quality time together. 

#3.  They love each other.  Sugar Bear puts up with a whole house of females, including three daughters who are not his own, yet he seems to work hard to support them and cares deeply about all of them.  When the new baby was born in the finale (yes to a very young teenager) the baby was born with an extra thumb (again you can't make this stuff up.)  But instead of being negative, June aka Momma aka the new grandmomma (who is younger than I am) said something to the effect of, better to have one extra finger than not enough.  Which leads me to...

#4.  They are always positive.  When Momma makes a batch of her "sketti" which is nothing more than noodles with butter and ketchup on them they all praise her, say it's their favorite food and tell he she's "the bomb".  Sure some of them are eating it out of recycled butter tubs on the couch, but they are all eating together and told Mom she did a great job.  When was the last time someone told you your dinner was "the bomb"?

I watch a lot of reality tv.  From Pawn Stars to Pickers to Survivor to Master Chef, the list goes on.  But there is just something endearing about this show.  I heard this morning they were paid $5,000 an episode for the first short season and that in renewal they will be paid $20,000 an episode.  They turned down offers from TLC of a bodyguard and a new house.  I hope they keep it real, save the money for college for those girls and continue to display love and caring for each other, because that's why I watch.